Cyber Response Solutions

  • Control risks by promptly identifying potential impacted individuals affected by a cyber incident for notification
  • Streamline incident investigation and notification processes with trusted expertise
  • Solutions delivered for a fixed cost to provide end clients and insurers with cost certainty & predictability

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An organization’s response following a cyber incident is key to risk mitigation. With 900+ cyber response solutions completed, our expertise and experience allow us to guide clients and counsel through specific steps in the overall response process. Consilio’s team of experts use proprietary solutions and proven workflows to dive deeper into impacted data to create a comprehensive understanding of the potential risk profile after an incident. With this knowledge, we advise clients and help execute response strategies, including data mining and review services and notification management. 

Cyber Response Solutions by the Numbers

Cyber Response Solutions Matters Delivered to Clients
Employees Worldwide
Regions with Consilio Presence Spanning 11 Countries
Active Review Professionals

Cyber Incident Response Services

Consilio’s dedicated team relies on a unique combination of technology enabled services and over 20 years of experience providing investigation, eDiscovery and information governance services to help organizations respond to cyber incidents. Leveraging this expertise, we focus on providing global support at the data mining and review stages, to all our clients and their counsel the ability to conduct the legal analysis related to the notification of impacted individuals.  

Data Processing & Analytics

Consilio’s employs a range of applications, including purpose-built sensitive data screening tools, to programmatically scan impacted data sets. These scans identify documents with a high probability of containing sensitive data elements for individuals within data impacted in cyber event. Our dedicated analytics team understand the unique nature of each client’s data and focuses on using a range of analytics tools to perform an initial analysis of the data to then works alongside the client, their counsel and the broader Consilio project team to find areas to modifying the process to eliminate false positives and finalize the most refined document population feasible for manual document review. 

Document Review & Data Extraction

Regardless of whether an incident is the result of an insider threat, external malware, the loss of data by an employee or a business email compromise, identifying the impacted individuals and relevant sensitive data is an urgent priority. Our team of experts focuses on the nuances and requirements based on the incident risk profile to determine the best strategies for reviewing and extracting the necessary information from a range of data types. Whether manual review is required to extract information from unstructured data or programmatic scripting is needed to extract standardized data from structured file formats, Consilio carefully evaluates the data in play (including format and content). Through this analysis, we determine the most time efficient and cost-effective method to identify and extract the necessary information from the various document types in an impacted data set.   

Consolidated Notification Data File

Once the information related to impacted individuals and their sensitive information has been extracted through either a manual or programmatic workflow, Consilio creates final deliverables in a consolidated format. This deliverable provides information necessary for the legal analysis regarding potential notification. With an eye toward streamlining the legal analysis, Consilio’s reports link relevant documents to each individual appearing on the deliverable should additional analysis be required by client or their breach counsel. 

Cyber Response Solutions

Learn more about our solution or discuss your specific needs with our experts.