Cyber Response Solutions

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  • Control risks by promptly identifying potential impacted individuals affected by a cyber incident for notification
  • Streamline incident investigation and notification processes with trusted expertise
  • Solutions delivered for a fixed cost to provide end clients and insurers with cost certainty & predictability

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An organization’s conduct after a cyber incident takes place is important. Failing to take proper steps to reduce harm caused by a cyber incident and to adhere to data breach notification and other regulatory requirements can drastically increase overall risk exposure. Identifying the source and determining the extent of an incident early can help an organization take reasonable and necessary steps that may significantly limit liability and reduce harm caused to employees, customers and the company reputation.

Cyber Response Solutions by the Numbers

Cyber Response Solutions Matters Delivered to Clients
Employees Worldwide
Regions with Consilio Presence Spanning 11 Countries
Active Review Professionals

Cyber Incident Response Services

Consilio’s team relies on a unique combination of technology enabled services and over 15 years of experience providing investigation, eDiscovery and information governance services to help organizations respond to cyber incidents. By leveraging custom data analytics tools, nearly two decades of managed document review experience and expertise in Privacy and Cyber workflows, we help organizations understand the scope of cyber incidents quickly so data breach notification and other regulatory requirements can be addressed quickly, thoroughly and efficiently.

Data Processing & Analytics

Consilio’s custom-built sensitive data screening tools were developed over the past decade to streamline the process of identifying key documents, people and sensitive information for some of the largest scale litigation and investigations in history. Consilio leverages this same expertise in addition to customized tools to help automate the identification of documents that reveal which customers, employees or other
parties may have been impacted by a cyber incident so your organization can comply with pressing data breach notification and other regulatory requirements.

Analysis & Document Review

Regardless of whether an incident is the result of an insider threat, external malware or the loss of data by an employee, the number, type and geographic location of the individuals affected by an incident must be determined to comply with complex data breach notification requirements. Consilio’s expert team of Privacy and Cyber professionals relies on years of experience managing and analyzing petabytes of documents to help you understand who was impacted by a cyber incident so you can confidently define the scope and impact of a particular incident and take necessary steps to comply with regulatory requirements.

Normalization & Reporting Technology

Once key documents and individuals are identified, Consilio creates dynamic reports that can be customized to include the information most relevant to your matter. The beauty of these reports is not only that critical information including name, role and geographic location of impacted by the incident are identified, the reports also link relevant documents to each individual. Consilio’s report is built to effectuate your notification plan to include information most relevant to your data.

Cyber Response Solutions

Learn more about our solution or discuss your specific needs with our experts.