Webinar: An Ounce of Prevention: Fundamentals of Data Protection

Webinar: An Ounce of Prevention: Fundamentals of Data Protection For legal practitioners, a commitment to data protection is a matter of ethical duty, legal and regulatory compliance, and fundamental responsibility to clients and

Webinar: The Next Black Box: ChatGPT, LLMs, and Legal Technology

Webinar: The Next Black Box: ChatGPT, LLMs, and Legal Technology Generative AI applications like ChatGPT are suddenly everywhere, with companies announcing new integrations daily – including in the legal industry.  But what is

Webinar: Off-Channel Communications: Strategies and Best Practices

Webinar: Off-Channel Communications: Strategies and Best Practices Never have there been so many communication devices, apps, and services available for use by employees, and employees helping themselves to these options can create

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